Biologische potgrond

Organic potting soil

What is organic potting soil?

Organic potting soil is 100% natural potting soil. This means that organic potting soil does not contain artificial fertilizer, but only natural components such as coconut fiber and tree bark compost. It is specially designed for plant lovers who respect nature. There is (almost) no peat in organic potting soil. This means that fens are no longer damaged to harvest peat moss/peat.

It is very difficult to replace peat. That is why you will currently only find peat-poor and not yet peat-free organic potting soil in Belgium. At Dau we chose to work exclusively with Bio-Kultura. They offer an organic potting soil that is low in peat.

With organic potting soil you take care of your plants and nature. The ideal match for every real plant lover.

Why you should choose organic potting soil

Replacing something chemical with something natural is always better when it comes to plants. As plant lovers, we always ask ourselves the question: why would you want to create more greenery indoors, but at the same time damage nature outside? With organic potting soil you can care for your houseplants without damaging nature . This way you significantly reduce your ecological footprint. For us, organic potting soil is not an option, but a must .

What is in good organic potting soil?

In good organic potting soil you will find:

  • Organic manure compost: maintains and supports the natural processes of your plants.
  • Tree bark compost: provides drainage so that water is better absorbed and contains a lot of useful nutrients and minerals.
  • Coconut fiber: ensures good air permeability in your potting soil, allowing the roots of your plants to breathe and grow.
  • Vegetable food pellet: releases nutrients more slowly than conventional food, so your plants enjoy the right vitamins for longer and remain healthy. It is therefore not necessary to provide additional nutrition every month.
  • Volcanic Rock Flour: Contains beneficial minerals and vitamins such as iron, magnesium, calcium and silicon to promote the growth of your plants.
Organic potting soil bag

Advantages and disadvantages of organic potting soil

Organic potting soil is good for nature. That is now clear. But what benefits do you and plants still enjoy?

  • Provides nutrients for a long time : organic potting soil contains living fertilizers. These are small fungal balls that 'reproduce' themselves. This means that additional fertilization is not necessary during the season.
  • Continues to retain and release moisture: this is especially a great advantage for plants that need a lot of water. They quietly enjoy the water and 'drink' when they are 'thirsty'.
  • Airy in structure : ensures that you retain small air pockets so that the roots of your plants get enough oxygen. If the structure is too heavy, they are pushed together too hard and the risk of root rot and other diseases increases.
  • Feel good : feed your plants with natural products without damaging the environment.

The disadvantage of organic potting soil? It is often more expensive than regular potting soil. But this is also relative. Because organic potting soil contains many more nutrients and vitamins than traditional potting soil. You do not have to incur this extra cost if you choose organic potting soil.

How do you choose the suitable organic potting soil?

The best organic potting soil to choose depends on the plants for which you want to use potting soil. At Dau you will find general organic potting soil that you can use for all your plants.

This organic potting soil contains a minimum of peat, allows and retains water well and contains powerful nutrients for an initial mega boost.


Do you choose a different supplier? Then pay attention to the 'organic' label. This is a label on which strict checks are carried out. Other labels such as 'natural' and 'ecological' may be used as desired. Do you only want the very best for your plants and for nature? Then choose potting soil with the official 'bio' label.

Organic potting soil for your houseplants

Organic potting soil

Organic potting soil

Buy organic potting soil

How often should you top up organic potting soil?

You only need to top up your organic potting soil if there is no potting soil or if you repot a plant to a larger pot. Be sure not to do this too quickly or too often to prevent drowning or rotting. It is better to add extra organic houseplant food than new potting soil.

Has your plant been wet for too long, in a pot that is too large, or are you suffering from diseases or bugs? Replace your organic potting soil as soon as possible.

Is your plant in active growth (leaving or growing larger)? Only then do you have to supplement with nutrition. This is often in the spring and summer, but for some plants it is all year round.


Store your organic potting soil in a closed bag in a dark, moisture-free location.

Organic potting soil in pots

How much does organic potting soil cost?

The cost of your organic potting soil depends greatly on various factors. First and foremost, the ingredients play an important role. In addition, the brand and the number of (extra) nutrients also have a major influence on the cost price.

At Dau you can buy organic potting soil from Bio-Kultura for €5.99 per 5 kilos.

Buy organic potting soil

Want to buy organic potting soil to give the health of your plants a mega boost? At Dau you can buy your organic potting soil easily and quickly online.

  • Reflection period of 14 days
  • Free shipping from €45
  • Safely packaged

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