Plants for the bedroom

A plant in your bedroom is not only beautiful to look at but also healthy. Air-purifying indoor plants for the bedroom are almost a must for a good night's sleep.

Plants for the bedroom: A plant in your bedroom is not only beautiful to look at but also healthy. Air-purifying indoor plants for the bedroom are almost a must for a good night's sleep.

Plants for the bedroom

Your bedroom is an important room in your home. It is the place where you can relax after a long day. In addition, it is also important that the air in your bedroom is good . Indoor plants are perfect for that! They purify the air and make your bedroom more attractive . There are several bedroom plants you can choose from. For example, you have the Alocasia , a plant that originally comes from Asia. This plant is large and has beautiful green leaves. The Alocasia is a perfect bedroom plant because it removes a lot of dust from the air. Another bedroom plant to consider is the Philodendron . This plant is native to Central and South America. The Philodendron is a climbing plant and has green, heart-shaped leaves. This plant is perfect for those short on time, as it doesn't require much maintenance. If you are looking for a bedroom plant that is a bit smaller , you can consider the Dracaena .

Air-purifying bedroom houseplants

When you sleep, you breathe about 7 times per minute. That means that you inhale more than 10,000 times during an 8-hour night . If you do not sleep in a bedroom with air- purifying houseplants , you will notice that you can breathe less freely at night and therefore sleep. This is because these plants provide fresh air through the filtering effect of their leaves . It is recommended to place 3 air-purifying indoor plants per 100m³ in the bedroom.

A bedroom is an ideal place for indoor plants, because:

  • They purify the air of harmful substances;
  • They reduce stress and make you sleepier;
  • They let you breathe better;
  • They are pleasant to watch.

The above points are just a few of the benefits of indoor plants. In short, bedroom plants are a must-have for every bedroom!

Air-purifying plants

Indoor plants for every style of bedroom

A bedroom is a place where you can relax, get away from the world and really be yourself. So why not furnish this intimate space with a houseplant that perfectly matches your bedroom style? From bedrooms with that soothing spa feel to bedrooms with a more bohemian vibe, there's a houseplant for every bedroom style. So look for the plant that fits perfectly with your bedroom style and make it something really unique!

The best indoor plants for the bedroom

Of course you want to know which houseplants are best for the bedroom. Below is a list of the 10 best bedroom plants:

1. Ferns:

Ferns are classic bedroom plants. They are elegant, beautiful and make your bedroom look calm.

2. Aloe Vera:

Aloe vera is a popular bedroom plant because of its air-purifying and healing properties.

2. Woman's Tongue | Sansevieria:

The snake plant is an ideal bedroom plant because of its incredible air-purifying power.

3. Dracaena fragrans | Dragon Blood Tree:

Dracaenas are bedroom plants that look elegant. In addition, they also have a strong air-purifying effect.

4. Ficus lyrata | Violet Leaf Plant:

The Weeping Fig is a bedroom plant that looks calm and serene. In addition, it also helps to purify the air.

5. Chlorophytum | Grass Lily:

The Spider Plant is a bedroom plant known for its incredible air-purifying power.

6. Philodendron:

Philodendrons are bedroom plants that look beautiful, calm and elegant.

7. Spathiphyllum | Spoon plant:

The Spoon Plant is a bedroom plant known for its soothing and calming effect.

8. Ficus elastica | Rubber plant:

The Rubber plant is a bedroom plant known for its air-purifying power.

Need advice about your bedroom houseplants?

If you have any questions about bedroom plants or need advice on which plants would best suit your bedroom style, please get in touch. We are happy to help you!
