Organic houseplant food

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Our organic food for houseplants is good for your plants, good for nature and good for your wallet! You have to use it only 1 or 2 times a year.

The grain releases nutrients slowly but for a very long time and adds important soil life in the form of fungi and bacteria. So the grain will literally turn into a ball of fungus. If you don't want to see this, just stir it under the potting compost.

The granule, produced by Bio-Kultura, is made from algae and seaweed and is therefore completely organic.

Instructions for use:

  • Sprinkle the right amount (10g nutrient per 5l potting soil = an average plant) over the top layer of soil.
  • Press the grains and stir them under the soil.
  • Pour water over the grains.
  • And voila!
NPK ratio: 7.5 – 2 – 4

Cooling off period of 14 days

Free shipping from €45

Delivery within 3 days

Ecologically packed

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