• About Sansevieria: Care & facts

    Light and temperature

    Sansevierias are very easy houseplants . You can place them in a shady or sunny spot. It is important that you do not place the plant further than 4 meters from a window . Too little sunlight will reduce its need for water . This will make your Sansevieria grow much slower . If you don't mind, the Sansevieria is ideal for filling a shady spot.

    Fun fact : if you place the plant in a sunny spot, the leaves will become lighter in color. In a shady spot its leaves darken.

    Sansevieria: Care & facts assortment
  • Features Sansevieria: Care & facts

    • Little thirst
    • Partial shade - full sun
    • Air purifying
    • Toxic to pets

Care of the Sansevieria

Watering Sansevieria

You should only water your Sansevieria once every 2 weeks in the summer . In the winter months , this houseplant can go without water for 6 to 8 weeks . It is very important that you wait until the soil is completely dry before watering the Sansevieria again. Otherwise you will get root rot. This can kill your plant. The exact amount of water your Sansevieria needs depends on the season, the size of your plant and pot and where the plant is located in the house.

Are you not sure if the soil is dry enough? Then stick your finger about 2 cm deep into the soil. If the soil there feels dry, you can water the Sansevieria again.

Important: if in doubt, do not water your Sansevieria!

Care products for you Sansevieria: Care & facts

Feed Sansevieria

A Sansevieria needs little nutrition . You should only give the houseplant a small amount of liquid food in the spring or summer .

Tip : Cacti food or organic houseplant food is ideal for Sansevierias.

Sansevieria cuttings

You propagate a Sansevieria by tearing the leaves off the stem. That is the center from which all the leaves emerge. It is important that you tear off enough roots .

You can also take cuttings from a Sansevieria by cutting off an entire leaf .

After cutting or tearing, place the leaf in water until the roots are strong enough to be repotted.

Pruning Sansevieria

You cannot prune a Sansevieria. The plant only grows to 150 cm, then the leaves fall over. If the plant does become too large, it is better to remove the roots that are too large or cut them off to make a new Sansevieria.

Repotting Sansevieria

It is best to repot your Sansevieria in the spring . Then your Sansevieria will have the necessary energy to repair any damaged roots. This houseplant is definitely not a fast grower. Repotting is therefore only necessary every 2-3 years and possibly even longer .

Always choose a pot that is 20% larger than the previous one. Use organic potting soil for this.

Typical Sansevieria problems

Does your Sansevieria suffer from brown leaf edges or brown spots ? Then you are probably giving it too much water . Then don't water it anymore until it has dried out completely and place it in a drier place.

The leaves are easy to clean with water and dishwashing soap if you experience problems with pests . Although the chance of this is considerably smaller than with other houseplants.

Is a Sansevieria poisonous?

A Sansevieria is poisonous to animals and children and can lead to stomach and intestinal complaints if ingested. If in doubt, always contact your GP or vet.

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