Medium indoor plants

Not too big, not too small. These houseplants are perfect for any space, on the floor or on the table, it doesn't matter!

Medium indoor plants: Not too big, not too small. These houseplants are perfect for any space, on the floor or on the table, it doesn't matter!

Medium plants

Medium-sized houseplants are perfect for people looking for a beautiful, but not too large, plant to brighten up their home. There are many different types of medium-sized houseplants available, so there is always a plant that suits your interior!

Caring for medium-sized indoor plants

Medium-sized houseplants usually require less maintenance than larger plants, but please note: each plant needs specific care to stay healthy and beautiful. Follow the instructions on our website or ask us for advice directly.


Medium plants for any interior

Some medium-sized indoor plants, such as the Calathea (also known as the peacock plant), have beautiful large leaves. Other medium-sized houseplants, such as the Guzmania, have beautiful colorful flowers.

With medium-sized houseplants you can easily create shade in your home while they are also beautiful to look at. Take a look around today and discover which medium-sized plant best suits your interior!

A plant fits in each pot

Looking for a pot for medium-sized indoor plants? Dau is also the right place for medium pots. Find all our jars here!

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