• About Dieffenbachia: Care & facts

    The Dieffenbachia comes from Central and South America and is a popular houseplant thanks to its beautiful leaves. Like the Monstera and Philodendron, they belong to the Araceae plant family. This makes them relatively easy to care for.

    Dieffenbachia: Care & facts assortment
  • Features Dieffenbachia: Care & facts

    • Medium thirst
    • Lots of indirect light
    • Air purifying
    • Toxic to pets

Care of the Dieffenbachia

The ideal place in the house for your Dieffenbachia

First of all, it is important to ensure sufficient light, but beware of direct sunlight. Place your Dieffenbachia in a location with bright, indirect light . A spot close to a window with a light curtain or blind is ideal. This helps to keep the leaves healthy and vibrant , without them burning from too much sun.

In addition, the Dieffenbachia likes a warm environment. Place it in a place where the temperature is consistent and around 20°C to 25°C . Avoid drafty areas, the plant is sensitive to cold airflow.

In terms of humidity, the Dieffenbachia thrives in a normal living room environment, but does enjoy extra humidity. Spray the leaves occasionally with water to increase humidity in drier seasons or in rooms with low humidity.

Care products for you Dieffenbachia: Care & facts

Watering Dieffenbachia

The water needs of your Dieffenbachia depend on the size of the plant, the environmental conditions and the size of the pot. It is especially important to keep the soil evenly moist , but not soggy. Water your Dieffenbachia when the top inch of the soil feels dry. You can easily check this with your finger.

Make sure you give enough water. This way, the water is absorbed evenly by the roots. Pour water into the pot until it begins to drip from the drainage holes at the bottom . Let the plant drain for a while and remove the excess water from the saucer or base.

Make sure that you let the plant drain well . Too much moisture leads to root rot. It is therefore better to give your Dieffenbachia too little water than too much. This plant is more resistant to drought than to too much moisture.

Feed Dieffenbachia

Feeding your Dieffenbachia contributes to the health and strength of your plant. Choose organic houseplant food and feed the plant during the summer. Then the plant is actively growing. Do you use other houseplant food? Then follow the instructions on the package for frequency.

Important : Pay attention to the reaction of the plant after fertilizing. Do you notice burnt leaf tips or other negative changes to your plant? Then reduce the frequency or concentration of the fertilizer.

Dieffenbachia cuttings

To take Dieffenbachia cuttings, choose a healthy stem with at least one node . Cut the cutting just below the node and remove the lower leaves . Place the cutting in a glass of water in a bright location with indirect sunlight , and change the water regularly .

When the cutting has developed sufficient roots, plant it in a pot with well-drained potting soil . Provide bright, indirect light and keep the soil moist.

Repotting Dieffenbachia

It is best to repot your Dieffenbachia in the spring . Select a drainage pot that is at least 20% larger than the current pot. Shake fresh potting soil loose for good air permeability . Carefully remove the plant from the old pot and check the roots. Cut away rotten roots.

Place the Dieffenbachia in the new pit and fill the space with potting soil . Press everything gently. After repotting, water the plant generously and place your Dieffenbachia in a spot with bright, indirect light.

Typical Dieffenbachia problems

Is a Dieffenbachia poisonous?

Yes, the Dieffenbachia is poisonous to both people and pets . The plant contains calcium oxalate crystals, which cause irritation and a burning sensation in the mouth and throat if ingested.

It is advisable to place the Dieffenbachia out of the reach of children and pets, so that they cannot reach it. If the plant is touched, it is important to wash hands immediately to avoid any irritation. When pruning or repotting the Dieffenbachia, it is also wise to wear gloves to avoid contact with the sap of the plant.

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