Dau Deals

Buying cheap plants online? On this page you will find all our houseplants for less than €20. Cheap indoor plants for everyone!

Dau Deals: Buying cheap plants online? On this page you will find all our houseplants for less than €20. Cheap indoor plants for everyone!

Cheap houseplants

Buy cheap houseplants ? It's possible at Dau! you can find our cheapest houseplants here:

  • Dracaena marginata : the Dracaena marginata or Drinking Blood Tree looks as fiery as it sounds. For only € 11.99 it makes your interior a little funkier.
  • Coffea arabica : unfortunately no coffee beans grow on the Coffea arabica or Coffee plant, but the small plant will certainly keep you awake with its crazy stems and curly leaves. Available at Dau for only €12.99!
  • Asparagus setaceus 'Plumosus' : the Asparagus setaceus or Ornamental asparagus is the perfect addition if you want to bring some more texture to your interior.
  • Philodendron 'Brasil' : The Philodendron 'Brasil' or Heartleaf philodendron , as the name says, has heart-shaped leaves. You can get this unique plant for €12.99!
  • Pteris cretica 'Albolineata': this crazy plant will cheer you up! The wing fern takes you to the seventh heaven for only € 12.99!
  • Spathiphyllum 'Korto' : The Spathiphyllum or Lepelplant is the perfect beginner 's plant: the beautiful flowers and easy maintenance make this plant perfect for beginners.