Indoor shade plants

These houseplants do well in low light. Think of the Sansevieria, the Peperomia or Calathea. More greenery, even in the darkest corner of your house, with our indoor shade plants!

Indoor shade plants: These houseplants do well in low light. Think of the Sansevieria, the Peperomia or Calathea. More greenery, even in the darkest corner of your house, with our indoor shade plants!

What Are Shade Plants?

A shade plant is an indoor plant that likes to be in a place with a lot of shade and therefore little daylight. That sounds strange, doesn't it, a houseplant that doesn't like light ? Of course, every houseplant needs light , but these plants have adapted to a darker environment. This is great news, because now every corner of your interior can be filled with plants.

Top 10 plants good for shade:

There are several plants that like to be in a little more shade.

#1 Calathea | Peacock plant:

Because of all its characteristics, the Peacock plant is one of our favorite plants. These houseplants naturally grow in a shady environment and therefore also like to be in a darker spot. The sun can burn its leaves , which would be a real shame, since the leaves are little works of art. Our favorite is the Calathea orbifolia .

#2 Dracaena marginata | Dragon Blood Tree:

Also the Dracaena is a real shade lover! You can place the Dragon Blood Tree in a light place for a maximum of 3 hours a day and then certainly no direct sunlight. When the leaves turn yellow, you know that it is in a place with too much light.

#3 Aglaonema | Chinese Evergreen:

The Aglaonema or Chinese Evergreen is also one of the easy shade indoor plants . Both the Aglaonema 'Silver Queen' and the Aglaonema 'Key lime'   do well in the shade, but the more light this shade plant gets, the faster this houseplant grows. This should not be direct sunlight, because then its leaves will burn.

#4 Spathiphyllum | Spoon plant:

The Spathiphyllum or Spoon plant grows in the jungle and is therefore used to a dark pitch. This easy, air-purifying houseplant will also not grow without daylight, but it does very well with little light.

#5 Philodendron:

The popular Philodendron doesn't make a fuss about where it wants to be, which is why you can find it in every interior. It cannot tolerate direct sunlight , because the leaves of this family of plants also discolour. Each Philodendron Scandens also makes a beautiful hanging plant: for example the Philodendron Micans 'Lime' or Heartleaf philodendron.

#6 Chamaedorea 'Elegans' | mountain palm:

The Chamaedorea 'Elegans' or Bergpalm also likes to be in dark corners. When this large shade plant no longer produces leaves, this means that it needs a little more light.

#7 Monstera Deliciosa:

The Monstera likes some daylight, but can certainly also do well with a shady placement. This houseplant is very easy to care for . However, make sure you don't overwater the plant. Otherwise, her green leaves may turn yellow.

#8 Cactus:

It may sound contradictory, but almost every type of Cactus does well without much sunlight! Our favorite is the Hylocereus Undatus also called Dragon Fruit.

#9 Ferns:

Many Ferns grow in nature in very shady places, often in the shade of another plant . That is why they are also suitable candidates for a ' houseplant shade list '.

#10 Sansevieria | Woman's tongue :

The lady's tongue is the last important plant on this list. You can place this houseplant anywhere, from a window in full sun to the darkest corners. Moreover, the care is also a piece of cake!

What does a place in the shade mean for a houseplant in the house?

When we talk about the placement of shade plants , this can mean different things. So be sure to pay attention to this when ordering.

  • Every plant needs a little light, so a shade plant should not be left in the dark
  • Shade = 1 to 2 meters from a North window
  • Shade = 4 to 6 feet from a South window
  • Shadow = Next to a window (so not in front of the window)

Need advice about your green plant?

What is the best place for my potted houseplants ? Which plants should I put together? Is my plant still healthy? Which green houseplants suit me best? Which pot is best for my houseplants ?

Do you need advice? First of all, we refer you to our blog and website , where an explanation is given for each specific houseplant . However, if you still have questions, you can always contact us via the contact button at the bottom left of your screen. The easiest and fastest answer is via Whatsapp ! But you can also always email us.